Walthill is located in Thurston County, an area measuring 396 square miles and situated north of Omaha. It is the poorest county in Nebraska and has the lowest income per capita. It also has no medical facility.
The area is home to the Northeaster Nebraska Omaha People, the Omaha, whose name means, “those going against the wind or current.”
The Dr. Susan LaFlesche Picotte Center is one of only 21 National Historic Landmarks in Nebraska. It was designated as one of 11 most endangered historic buildings in the United States by the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 2018.
There are approximately 5,200 Omaha tribe members.
Your financial support is needed to help raise the quality of life in this undervalued community and provide much-needed services. A gift would recognize, honor and celebrate one Native American woman’s amazing accomplishments, while ensuring her legacy and dream lives on helping the members of the Omaha tribe and entire Walthill community. Here.